A photo essay about footwear choices


Black shoes are the conservative choice, for they are suitable for almost all formal occasions. High heels also represent feminine beauty and elegance, and a special design at the heel section makes the shoes less rigid, which indicates you are a detail-oriented woman.无标题.png

Nowadays, pointy shoes are more popular than round toes; they seem fashionable and sexy. The dark-colour design is to show a person’s maturity and profession. If one do not like pure black design, a pair of embellished shoes is more suitable. The front black bow and white spots on the black top help to demonstrate an open and vivid personality; the red heel at the back burnishes a person’s image.

Costumes in Downton Abbey

The TV series ‘Downton Abbey’ depicts a story of an upper class family in 1920s.  Cloche hats, headbands and long necklaces epitomize women’s sense of fashion in 1920s.

Susannah Buxton designed the costumes in 2010. According to Susannah Buxton, more than three dresses are prepared for each lady, including tea gowns, nightgowns and other necessities to demonstrate lifestyle of upper class. Costumes in a historical drama are partly designed and partly hired. For instance, lady Mary’s dress (middle) is literally made; lady Edith’s dress (right) is borrowed from previous series; and lady Sybil’s (left) is an authentic Edwardian gown. These costumes reflect everyone’s status and responsibility. Vintage fragments, such as lace, pleating and beading enrich the garments, also reveal women’s preference and taste. Generally speaking, costume is not likely to be seen in real life, but through it the audiences get a chance to step into the world of Downton Abbey and have a better understanding of fashion in 1920s.


Shop report- Burberry

Burberry opened its flagship on Regent Street, which is a well known spot attracting both tourists and the local. Combining historical features and digital technologies.


Interior ornament and products inside:

Burberry Regent Street impresses visitors with high-class and luxurious environment. The viewing from the balcony of the second floor, the store looks like a theater. At the center of the building, there is a large auditorium; daylight shines can through a glass dome. Bespoke area is designed to offer customized service.

Burberry has developed a range of collections, including outfits, scarves and accessories. Trench coats are the brand’s fashion symbol. A sales assistant told me Burberry’s trench coats generally fall into two categories; one is inherited and the other is seasonal. The difference is inherited collections will never back off the stage of fashion.

Fashion archive draft


Striped cotton crinolette with spring steel hoops, British, ca. 1870. By 1865 the outline of the fashionable dress changed. The shape at the back of the body grew more exaggerated with a distinctive flattening at the front. Crinolettes, or half-crinolines, marked the mid-point between the cage crinoline and the bustle. They often had extra loops of steel, which acted as a bustle.

From 1866 the crinoline craze began to subside. They were fashionable between 1867 and the mid 1870s. They were often composed of half hoops with extra loops of steel at the top to give more support. Some were laced inside like a corset. This lacing, combined with the tying of internal tapes, enabled the shape of the structure to be adjusted.


Vam.ac.uk, (2015). Crinolines, Crinolettes, Bustles and Corsets from 1860-80 – Victoria and Albert Museum. [online] Available at: http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/c/crinolines-crinolettes-bustles-corsets-1860-1880/ [Accessed 2 Nov. 2015].

Week 1 shoe exercise

In today’s session we had a lecture about different shoes and we need to pick a shoes discuss about it in each group. My group was a Chinese old style shoes, it was red colour flat shoes. The edge of shoes have a thick whiskers and decorate as embroidery. We learned some key term to describe the shoes. Such as shelter, protection, utility, modestry and seduction. We think the key term seduction is relates to the shoes we were given.

I picked a book called High hells: fashion femininity seduction as the further research, this book is about The high-heeled shoe conjures self-assured allure and erotic intoxication like no other item of women’s wear. Just recently the high heel has undergone a massive resurgence in popularity, in part reinventing itself through an overt invoking of fetish, with which the heel has of course always had some relationship. Built around a selection of images of heels from contemporary photography. High Heels is a visual odyssey through the powerful ideas of beauty, danger and seduction that the high heel evokes. I think shoes play an important part in what different cultures consider to be sexy. sexy shoes affect the movements of the body. titillating the watcher and creating a sensual experience for the wearer.

Genius Loci

When I first received the project brief the only place came out in my mind is Chinatown. I decided to pick Chinatown as my Genius Loci is because I am a Chinese student in London, sometimes I miss home and the taste of Chinese food and Chinatown is the place I can relieve my homesickness.

In my video I want to tell people Chinatown is a popular place in London also how popular is Chinese food. I used Hyperlapse to create my video. In my video I used some famous restaurants also the restaurant with Chinese style decorations as the still  background, then turned the speed to 8x faster to make the noise and crowded feel.


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Inspiration about timelapse video

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Research about Hyperlapse

For Phase two, I am going to design a infographic about Chinese food styles, I think this will be a good way to introduce Chinese food also let foreigners understand Chinese food better. I will design also design a Chinese takeaway packaging.


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At the beginning of this project we went to Brixton to take photos then find out what we think is good design and what is bad design. After that, we need to chose one of the bad design and then redesign it and make it to a good design. In my group we decided to redesign a bookshop.

Typography and communication seminar

In this week we had a lecture and we discussed about typography from different aspects theoretically. It is commonly agreed that there is no a specific and precise definition of typology. According to Bringhurst, who defined typology is an art that can be misused on purpose. Moreover, typology is described as a craft when its absence of meaning can be clarified and honored.

1) Summarize the Bringhurst text in a short paragraph.

Based on The Grand Design by Robert Bringhurst, at the beginning of
the whole article, he illuminated typology’s traditional goal, and it is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time. After that, he emphasized on the principle of typology and where these principle can apply. And he understand typology is functioned as elucidating and ennobling the text,typology is a link as letterforms that honor and illustrate what human see and say deserve to be honored in their turn is one of an important reason. Furthermore, Typology is also explained in the literature style, for example,it is to literature as musical performance is to composition. Therefore,it is agreed that the typographer’s one crucial task is to help interpret and then communicate the text. Research had shown that typographer discover the outer logic of the typography in the inner logic of the text, it is visible that there is a relationship between the text and other elements, like photographers, tables and diagrams show a reflection. Following this,typographers choosing a typeface or a group of faces can also honor the character of the text, along with shaping and framing the text block. All in all, typography should perform clarify structure to its reader, it should honor and contribute the text for its own sake.

5)Bringhurst makes frequent use of analogy to reinforce his arguments. Is this effective? Why?

Bringhurst makes usage of analogy to reinforce his argument of analogy frequently. For instance, he considered typology is to literature as musical performance is to composition: full of endless opportunities for insight. Similarly , typology can be used to manipulate behavior and emotions. With this in mind, typography at its best is a slow performing art, which sometimes worthy of the same informed appreciation that we pay attention to musical performances. I personally agreed what Bringhurst did is effectively, since analogy is a key to make one’s argument informative and even fun. More importantly, in this article , analogy makes reader understand typographer easier, and it help stimulate readers’ interests contributing to what they read relate to their life.

6) The analogies are offer related to music. If you were to make an analogy between typography and something else, what would you choose?

Writers use analogies to link a new idea with common subjects. The analogies are often related to music, Bringhurst considered re typographer have to analyze and come out with the inner order of the text, like a musician must reveal the internal order of his musical performance. In other aspects, we could say a typographer is like an engineer must not only capable of developing software with the right functionality, but also reveal that he/she understand what customers wants and create business value, as well as software security.